
Protein Diet for You with Kidney Failure at Home

Nearly all the people with Kidney Failure have known that high quality protein diet is the nutritional treatment which they should obey as a law. If patients are in hospital, the diet is the obligation of physicians and nurses. However, if they discharge from hospital, what should they do to control the intake of protein well? There are some tips for you, and I hope can help you take nutritional treatment when you are at home.

Excessively limited intake of protein will lead to malnutrition, however, excessively intake of protein may do harm to kidney. According to medical expert’s research, there is a basic method for the people with Kidney Failure.

For the people with kidney disease, the intake of protein should range from 0.6g to 0.8g per 1 kg every day, for example, if your weight is 50kg, the intake of protein should range from 30g to 40g.Are Fenugreek Seeds Good for Kidney Failure Patients

The intake of protein should reduce corresponding with the degree of Kidney Failure, for example,
♦When the person is at the early stage of Kidney Failure with serum creatinine 2.5mg/dl, the intake of protein should range from 0.7g to 0.9g;
♦When the volume of serum creatinine arrives at 5.0mg/dl, the intake of protein should range from 0.6g to 0.7g.
♦If the person has Diabetic Nephropathy, the intake of protein should be more than the Kidney Failure without Diabetes, the increased volume ranges from 0.05g to 0.2g.

Many people may ask everyday we only eat dozens of grams of protein, will we feel hungry? In nutriology, the volume of protein which should be taken does not refer to the total volume of the food. Since the food not only contains protein, but also water, fibrosis, fat, starch and so on.

The volume of protein which 100g the following foods contain
Lean pork: 16.7g
Beef: 20g
Chicken: 23g
Grass carp: 17.9g
Rice: 2.6g
Potato: 1.9g
Pumpkin: 0.5g
One egg: 5g
What Can I Eat If Have Kidney Failure
What I mentioned above should be paid attention to by the people with Kidney Failure, which plays an important role in nutritional treatment. To overcome the Kidney Failure should depend on the efforts made by all of us. If you have any questions, you are welcome to contact us on line.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy Treats Polycystic Kidney Disease

As a patient with Polycystic Kidney Disease, have you tried Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy? If not, please read the following information which will offer you the details how Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy treats Polycystic Kidney Disease.

On one hand, effective ingredients in Micro-Chinese medicines have function of expanding blood vessels. By expanding blood vessels, blood circulation in cyst wall can be improved. As a result, blood pressure in cyst wall decreases. When blood pressure in cyst wall lower than pressure inside cyst, cyst fluid will leak out and then get into blood vessels. With blood flow, these fluids will get out of our body finally. Moreover, improvement of blood circulation in cyst wall help to soften cysts, which makes cyst fluid get out of cyst easier.Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy For PKD

On another hand, by acting on cells growing in cyst wall, active substances in Micro-Chinese medicines can restrain the generation of fluid, so as to control the persistent increase of cyst. Fluid inside cyst is excreted by cells growing in cyst wall. Micro-Chinese medicines are composed of different types of herbal medicines. Some of types of medicines have the ability of restraining the excretion of epithelial cells. When cells in cyst wall stop excreting fluid, then the cyst will stop enlarging.

This is the general introduction about how Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy treats Polycystic Kidney Disease. Through restraining the generation of cyst fluid and reabsorbing cyst fluid, cyst can be shrunk effectively. In fact, besides these, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy has many other functions such as anticoagulation, anti-inflammation and degrading extracellular matrix. What is more, all these functions are helpful in treating Polycystic Kidney Disease.Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy for Polycystic Kidney Disease

Now, are you clear about the progress of treating Polycystic Kidney Disease with Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy? For patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease, owing to the persistent increase of cysts, receiving effective treatment timely is vital, because ineffective treatment not only offers patients bad treatment effects, but also makes them miss the optimal time for treatment. Therefore, patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease, do not waste your time, receive effective treatment is the only way for you to choose.


Can Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy Work for Kidney Failure with 12% Kidney Function

Can Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy work for Kidney Failure with 12% Kidney Function? Do you still think that dialysis and kidney transplant is the only way and hope for kidney failure patients with 12% kidney function? The condition was changed now. Call for ONLINE DOCOTR.

Is Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy work for kidney failure?

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy for Kidney Failure Patients

Why kidney failure patients choose dialysis and kidney transplant? The mainly reason is due to that kidney failure patients will have very little kidney function due to severe damage on kidneys. So that the function of kidneys can not work well for human. There will too much toxins and wastes products in blood and body which will increase the burden and risk for people’ s life. So that kidney failure patients need to choose dialysis and kidney transplant with the purpose of eliminating toxins and wastes in blood and saver their life.

While although Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is different from them, but it also has the functions which same with them. Furthermore, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy do not have damage and side effects on patients and kidneys.
Can Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy improve kidney function for kidney failure patients with 12% kidney function?

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy Cost

That is the different between this kind treatment and dialysis. Dialysis will lead to anemia for kidneys which will increase the damage on kidneys and make the condition more and more worse with long time dialysis. While Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy will supplement necessary nutrition and blood for kidneys to help them repair damage and restore kidney function in some degree. So that it should be a good choice for kidney failure patients with 12% kidney function who want to improve kidney function now.

Can I Do the Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy at Home

If you want to have a try about Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy for kidney failure to restore kidney function, please leave us a message or send email to us. We will help you as soon as possible.

Our email: kidney-symptoms@hotmail.com

whatsapp: +8615512139310


How to Treat for PKD and Kidney Failure without Kidney Transplant

PKD,Kidney Failure,Without Kidney TransplantPKD as a kind of kidney disease, it is one of the most difficult to control in the world. In most time, common western medicine can not help patients shrink cyst and easily to lead to infect, so that seems like that kidney transplant is the best choice. Do you think so?

You can consult ONLINE DOCTOR to get the answer about this question.

 Swelling in Kidney Failure: Causes and Treatments

But over here I can give you the answer too. Kidney transplant is not the only and prefect choice for patients with PKD. We know about kidney transplant are easily to lead to a lot of complications and due to rejection after transplant that patients have to take medicine for the rest of their life. Do you know what is the meaning of that? That means you still to survival as a kidney disease patient which need to take medicine every day and have to worry about transplant kidney will fail again.
Furthermore, find a donor is one of the most different thing for patients too. So that for this kind of condition, maybe Conservative treatment with Chinese medicine can have a much better curative effect.

Stage 3 Kidney Failure: What Steps Can I Take to Prevent Serious Matter

Why Conservative treatment with Chinese medicine is better?

Chinese medicine treat for PKD is a new invention in the world, which is really popular in the world now. Chinese medicine is different from hormone or western medicine, it treat disease from root not only control symptoms.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is good at treating PKD without surgery. With this kind of treatment, patients do not have to worry about infection happen, it will reduce the risk for patients to take transplant. Chinese medicine in this treatment can shrink cysts, repair damage on kidneys, restore some certain functions for kidneys. As long as PKD controlled well and have chance to work again, that kidney transplant can be avoided effectively.

What Does Stage 3 Kidney Failure Mean

If you want to know more about PKD an its treatment-- Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, please leave us message or contact with us by the following contents. We will try our best to help you.


Que faire pour Kidney Taille 7cm Sans dialyse et transplantation rénale

Que faire pour Kidney Taille 7cm Sans dialyse et TransplantThe taille moyenne d'un rein humain adulte est d'environ 10-13cm de long, environ 5 à 7,5 cm de large et environ 2 à 2,5 cm d'épaisseur. La taille 7cm du rein est plus petit que le rein sain. Avec rénale retrait, la fonction rénale peut être affectée, puis une série de symptômes tels que le niveau élevé de la créatinine, des nausées, des vomissements, des démangeaisons de la peau et le manque d'appétit apparaît. alors, quel est le traitement pour les reins retrait sans dialyse et la transplantation rénale?

Quelles sont les causes du rein retrait?

D'abord, si moins de sang est fourni à reins, les néphrons ne seront pas en mesure d'obtenir suffisamment de nutriments et de l'oxygène d'alimentation. Cela entraînera néphrons nécrotiques progressivement. Deuxièmement, la dépréciation de néphrons est un autre facteur attribuable de rein retrait. Infection rénale à long terme et autre maladie rénale chronique peut affecter néphrons.

De cette analyse, nous pouvons voir le traitement clé pour les reins retrait est de fournir plus de sang pour les reins et réparation blessés néphrons. Seulement de cette manière rénale retrait peut être traitée.

Quel est le traitement pour les reins retrait?

Dialyse et transplantation rénale sont deux traitements communs pour les maladies du rein, mais ils ne peuvent pas réparer blessés tissus rénaux. De cette façon, les reins retrait ne peut être traitée. Dans notre rein hôpital de Shijiazhuang hôpital des maladies, la Chine, nous recommandons le traitement Toxine-Retrait qui comprend de nombreuses thérapies de médecine chinoise tels que Medicated Bath, Bath Medicated pied, thérapie moxibustion, Mai Kang Mélange, soupe médicinales et thérapie moxibustion, etc. comme son nom l'indique, il peut aider à éliminer les toxines de votre sang et les reins afin de vous fournir un environnement de sang propre. Avec un environnement de sang propre, nos médicaments chinois peuvent jouer leur rôle pleinement. Ils peuvent aider à élargir les vaisseaux sanguins, améliorer la circulation sanguine, de prévenir l'inflammation et la coagulation, de dégrader la matrice extracellulaire et fournir des éléments nutritifs. de cette façon, plus de sang et d'oxygène seront transportés vers les reins. Cela peut soulager les reins retrait radicalement. en outre, d'autres symptômes comme des nausées, des vomissements, des démangeaisons de la peau, le manque d'appétit et des crampes musculaires peuvent être gérés fondamentalement.

Le traitement pour les reins retrait 7cm est de notre hôpital Toxine-Retrait de traitement. Il peut aider les patients à améliorer la fonction rénale afin d'éliminer une dialyse ou une greffe de rein. Si vous avez des intérêts dans notre thérapie, vous pouvez laisser un message ci-dessous ou consulter notre médecin en ligne directement .

Contactez nous pour toutes vos questions:
L'hôpital de la néphropathie Shijiazhuang
Mail: insuffisance-renal@hotmail.com
WhatsApp: +8613102899763
Nous restons à votre disposition entière.

Ce qui fait Muscle Twitch dans la maladie du rein

Ce qui fait Muscle Twitch dans rein Disease.Muscle tic est un symptôme fréquent de la maladie rénale. Mais savez-vous ce qui fait tic de muscle dans les maladies rénales? Aller sur la lecture, vous trouverez la réponse.
Troubles -Metabolic

Lorsque vos reins ne peuvent pas bien travailler pour filtrer les déchets du sang, l'équilibre du pH et de l'électrolyte. Il est probable pour vous souffrez de troubles métaboliques, conduisant à contraction musculaire.

-Manque De nutriments dans l'alimentation

patients rénaux ne peuvent pas profiter de ce qu'ils aiment manger. En raison des restrictions de régime, vous pouvez avoir une carence en certains minéraux, comme le potassium, conduisant à des crampes musculaires.

Les effets secondaires -Drug

Certains médicaments comme les diurétiques et les corticoïdes peuvent provoquer ce trouble. Dans un tel cas, vous pouvez changer les médicaments pour soulager

En outre, le stress, des exercices, le manque de sommeil, la dialyse, une surdose de drogue et ainsi de suite peut donner lieu à un tel symptôme aussi bien. Pour se débarrasser de celui-ci, en plus d'un traitement conventionnel pour soulager la douleur, vous devez réparer des dommages aux reins et à améliorer la fonction rénale. ici, nous recommandons un traitement systémique de la médecine chinoise pour vous. Il comprend de nombreux types de thérapies de la médecine chinoise, tels que la médecine osmothérapie thérapie de vapeur Micro-chinois, Medicated salle de bain complète, baignoire Medicated pied, thérapie lavement, thérapie Circle, thérapie Navel, etc. Ils peuvent favoriser la circulation sanguine pour éliminer la stase. Lorsque le flux sanguin devient fluide, crampe musculaire sera allégée. Ils peuvent également expulser les déchets hors des cellules rénales et de sang pour faire un environnement interne propre pour les reins endommagés pour se guérir. Tout dans l'ensemble, ils peuvent vous aider à configurer un bon environnement de sang pour les reins endommagés pour se guérir. Avec l'amélioration progressive de la maladie rénale, tous les symptômes associés seront sous contrôle.

Ce qui rend les muscles se contracter dans les maladies rénales? Maintenant, vous avez un esprit clair de la réponse. Si vous avez ce problème, vous devriez consulter votre médecin ce que sur la terre provoque et ensuite prendre un traitement correspondant à la soulager. Pour plus d'informations sur le traitement des maladies du rein , ne s'il vous plaît contacter un médecin en ligne ou laisser un message ci-dessous.

Contactez nous pour toutes vos questions:
L'hôpital de la néphropathie Shijiazhuang
Mail: insuffisance-renal@hotmail.com
WhatsApp: +8613102899763
Nous restons à votre disposition entière.


Creatinine Level Is 5? Do Not Be Afraid!

Many patients have such a question: my creatinine level is 5, could I avoid dialysis? Do not be afraid, your condition could avoid dialysis if you find the proper treatment. Now let us give you some guidance to help you treat your disease actively, get the biggest effect on your condition and reduce your creatinine level. Only you have a high quality life, your family members could set their minds at rest.

What Are the Adverse Effects of Excessive Creatinine in the Human Body

If the creatinine level increase to 8, we call it uremia in clinical. It shows that almost kidney function has lost and the kidney cannot work again. In the body of the environment disorder, renal fibrosis, renal tubular atrophy, the resulting damage is irreversible. As we all know that the kidney is the organ of our body to carry out the function of blood filtration, metabolism and so on. When the cells in kidney have been damaged to a degree, the renal cannot play a normal kidney function so that cannot maintain the function of blood filtration and other functions. It would lead to much toxins and waste accumulate in glomerular basement membrane which could progress the renal fibrosis and lead to many symptoms such as swelling, protein in urine etc.

How to Lower Creatinine Level 7.09 With Herbal Treatment

In clinical treatment, there are two kinds treatment could help uremia patients: western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine. Western medicine usually use dialysis and kidney transplant to improve patients’ condition, but there are many side effects of these treatments. However, the method of traditional Chinese medicine not only could relieve the symptoms, also could treat the root of disease at the same time. And traditional Chinese medicine has a strong restorative and drug resistance which could help patients repair their damaged kidneys and improve the kidney function.

Medically Approved Diet to Reduce Creatinine Level

If you want to know more information about TCM( traditional Chinese medicine) therapy, you can consult our online doctors or leave your contact way below which our doctors will contact you in 24 hours.

What Medicine Is Out There to Stop Progression of Protein in Urine

Protein in urine (Proteinuria) is one of early symptoms for patients with kidney disease, which means the kidneys has been damaged. With progression of the condition, patients may prone to suffer from more symptoms like fatigue, swelling, malnutrition, etc. Therefore, a appropriate treatment plays an important role in stopping the condition.

Conventional therapy

Chinese Herbal Medication for Too Much Protein in Urine

Generally speaking, patients with protein leakage in urine are suggested to keep a low-protein diet, whose purpose is to decrease the kidneys’ burden, and take medicines like ACE inhibitors and ARBs to treat proteinuria and protect kidneys.

In addition, steroid drugs and immunosuppressant are commonly applied to relieve protein in urine. We do not deny that the medicines can help control proteinuria rapidly, however, we have to admit that long-term intake of western medicines also will have side effects for patients. What’s more, when they stop taking the medicines or reduce the dosage of medicines, protein in urine can be worsen again.

Will Drinking Alcohol Increase the Protein in Urine

Comparatively speaking, Chinese Medicine Therapies are much better than western medicines. Because Chinese herbs have no side effects for renal disease patients. So far, in China, Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital makes full use of the Chinese herbal medicines to treat a series symptoms and complications of kidney disease. So if you can come to China for treatments, you can add my whatsapp/Viber +8615512139310 for learning more details.

Well then, what are the Chinese Medicine Therapies?

One of the most popular treatments is Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. On the basis of anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation, dilating blood vessels and expelling immune complexes, the activate ingredients in Chinese Medicine can come to damaged kidney tissues directly with the help of osmosis machine. In this way, damaged kidney can be repaired and patients’ kidney function can work again. Thus, proteinuria can be blocked.

Kidneys Leak A Lot of Protein: How Do I Stop It

Other assistant therapies like Medicated Bath, Foot Bath, Acupuncture, Enema, Mai-Kang Composition, etc not only controls symptoms but also treat the disease from the root. Besides, they have no side effects and is much favored by kidney disease patients.

Natural Remedies to Treat Blood in Urine

Blood in urine or hematuria can be visible by naked eyes or only with a microscope. Because it is one indicator of urinary system disorders, we would like to introduce some natural remedies to manage blood urine.

Firstly, we should make clear the causes of blood urine.

What Are Reasons for The Increase of Urea Level

Many conditions can trigger blood to leak through the urine, but this problem is mainly associated with urinary system diseases such as kidney tumor, kidney damage, urinary tract infections, kidney stone, urinary tract stone, urinary tract tumor, and so on. Different causes need different managements. Therefore, it is necessary to detect the underlying cause before taking any treatment.

Because we are from Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, we mainly talk about the condition in which hematuria is caused by kidney damage.

Secondly, patients should have more rest in bed.

Why Is There Blood In Urine Form Renal Failure

No matter which is the direct cause, patients with blood in urine are always suggested to have more rest and avoid overwork or high level of physical activity. This can prevent urinary tract infections and the aggravation of blood urine.

Thirdly, eat more foods that are good for these patients.

As introduced by renal dietitian, patients are suggested to eat celery, parsley, the horse orchild, day lily, fresh lotus root, peanut, and so on. These foods can help ease patients’ blood urine to some extent. To determine what foods are good for you, you can email to kidneyservice@hotmail.com.

Lastly, accept herbal therapies that can manage blood urine.

If blood urine is due to kidney damage, some herbal therapies that can help repair damaged kidney cells and rebuild kidney filtering structure effectively. For example, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is one therapy that can help rebuild kidney structure and keep blood cells from leaking effectively. Try it, so you can find an obvious difference.

Gross Blood in Urine with Lupus: What does This Mean

If you have any question or need any help, you can contact us freely. We will give you some advices in 24 hours.


The Combination of Dialysis and Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

The traditional treatment method of treating Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) is always the combination of dialysis and kidney transplant. With the progress of the disease, patients may take dialysis first and then they may receive kidney transplant after their kidneys fail to do their jobs completely. Well then, with the development of modern medicine, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy or the combination of dialysis and Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is adopted more often to treat Polycystic Kidney Disease.

The Complication of Dialysis and Stem Cell Transplant:

Generally, patients with PKD will receive dialysis when their cysts in kidneys grow enough to damage the kidneys that cannot play their functions to remove toxins and waste in body.Does Every PKD Patients Go for Dialysis

By the action of dialysis, toxins and waste can be discharged mostly from the body and patients will feel less pain than before.

If the enlarged cysts grow big enough to severely damage the kidneys, the kidneys cannot do their jobs completely. In this condition, patients are recommended to receive kidney transplant.

However, both of dialysis and kidney transplant cannot make the cysts shrink and cannot prevent the pain in patients' back or flank. It is obvious that it is the cyst enlargement that causes kidney damage or even Kidney Failure. Hence, the key to treat PKD is to make the cysts shrink. In this condition, one more treatment method is adopted, which is called Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy.Can Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy Benefit PKD Patients with Dialysis

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy:

This therapy is one kind of herbal medicine treatment, which is aimed at making the enlarged cysts shrink. At the early stage of the cyst enlargement, this kind of medicine can play a more effective role in shrinking the cysts.

After the effective medicines are permeated into the cysts, the cysts will shrink gradually. That is to say, patients with PKD are more likely to make the growth of the cysts controlled at the very beginning of the disease. And micro-Chinese medicine can help make the initial cysts controlled.

If the kidneys are moderately damaged, the other treatment method should be adopted by patients. That is the complication of dialysis and Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy.

The Complication of Dialysis and Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy:

Dialysis is to help patients who experience Kidney Failure expel toxin and waste from body due to the inability of kidneys to do this,which contributes to providing a relatively clean environment to the action of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy.
Can Ozone Therapy Reduces Dialysis and treatment Renal Failure
Hence, patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease should adopt effective treatment seriously. To get rid of Kidney Failure and to live a comfortable life, they are recommended to adopt one method to make their cysts shrink.

The detailed information about Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy Treats Polycystic Kidney Disease can be found out on our website for free.

If you have any question, you are welcome to consult us for free or email pkdclinic888@hotmail.com We will try our best to help you.

Prevent Patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease from Suffering from Kidney Failure

The Key to Prevent the Occurrence of Kidney Failure:Prevent Patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease from Suffering from Kidney Failure

Kidney Failure is caused by kidney impairment, so the key to prevent the occurrence of Kidney Failure is to avoid kidney impairment. And the kidney impairment arises from the cysts enlargement, so the key to avoid Kidney Failure is to restrain the growth of the cysts in the kidneys.Can Ozone Therapy Reduces Dialysis and treatment Renal Failure

Chinese Herbal Medicine can Help Patients Make the Cysts Shrink:

At the early stage of the growth of multiple cysts, the cysts don't grow big enough to press normal kidney tissues. To some extent, kidney damage doesn't occur. With the help of Chinese herbal medicine (I mean Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy), the cysts will shrink by inactivating the endothelial cells. With the endothelial cells inactivated, fluid will not be excreted and then the cysts will shrink gradually.

What If Patients Experienced Kidney Damage?
Can Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy Benefit PKD Patients with Dialysis

If patients experience kidney damage, they are more likely to take dialysis to remove waste and toxin first. And then a clean inner environment will be provided for the action of Micro-Chinese Medicine. By this way, dialysis, as an assistant treatment, can play its function to eliminate the symptoms, relieve pain and help patients survive. When patients with PKD experience kidney damage, receiving dialysis may become a part and parcel of their life.

In conclusion, before the cysts in kidneys in patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease growing big enough to damage kidney tissues, patients are recommended to receive Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. Once patients' kidneys are damaged and cannot work well, they can consider receiving the combination of dialysis treatment and Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy treatment.Does Every PKD Patients Go for Dialysis

The detailed information about Micro-Chinese Medicine, dialysis and Polycystic Kidney Disease can be found on our website. If you have any question, you are welcome to consult us on website for free. Or email pkdclinic888@hotmail.com  We will try to help you.

The Meaning of Dry Weight in Dialysis

Dry weight is very important to the people on the list of dialysis. Doctors will ask their patients to weigh themselves before and after dialysis. What’s more, during the interval of dialysis, patients are strictly controlled on water or fluid diet intake. In order to understand the meaning of dry weight, at first we must know what it is and then the measure of controlling it will be introduced next.

The definition of dry weight

Simply speaking, dry weight is the weight after the excess water is removed in dialysis. With the ideal dry weight, patients will feel nothing discomfort, such as low blood pressure, swellings, palpitation, short of breath, the normal size of heart, thirsty, dry skin, etc.Can Ozone Therapy Reduces Dialysis and treatment Renal Failure

Therefore, the ideal dry weight can be set down in one time. As for the patients who take dialysis at first time, it will take two or three weeks to watch the change of their weight and clinical symptoms before and after dialysis. The relative dry weight can be found out after all factors are taken into consideration.

The meaning of dry weight

Dry weight determines how much water is removed during dialysis. The unreasonable dry weight setting will make dehydration and other fatal complications.Can Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy Benefit PKD Patients with Dialysis

If dry weight is set lower than the ideal one, more water will be removed to make patients reduce weight to the setting point. At this moment, patients are to show the symptoms of dewatering, such as fatigue, muscle twitches, low blood pressure, vomiting, weak pulse, shrinking heart in X scan, etc. On the contrary, if dry weight is set higher than the ideal one, there is still excess water depositing in body after dialysis. The water in lacuna is to elevate blood pressure and provoke hydrothorax, ascites as well as a sense of impending doom caused by Acute Left Heart Failure.

The method of maintaining dry weight

Normally patient on dialysis must be in their ideal dry weight once a week. The suitable diet for those patients must follow the principle of small amount with enough nutrients. If dialysis is taken every other day, the increased weight should be not more than 3% of dry weight. That is to say, before the next dialysis, a 50kg person would be better put on weight less than 1.5kg. If the person takes dialysis every three days, the increased weight should be less than 5% of his or her dry weight.Does Every PKD Patients Go for Dialysis

Controlling water intake

Water intake is another factor increase the weight of patients. As for patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD), without effective treatments, they may suffer from Kidney Failure in future. As kidney fail in filtrating and draining metabolic wastes out, every sip of water will be accumulated in body. The suitable water intake is usually not more than the volume of urine the day before, but it is still ok for patients take 500mL water a day more than their urine the day before. After they have heavy sweating, 100 to 200mL is added to their water intake. Doctors suggest that the water should be divided reasonably in a whole day. When they have their medicines, 450mL water is used for having medicines three time a day. In addition, a cup of milk or a bowl of porridge or soup contains 200mL of water, while an apple of 120g contains about 50mL of water. Doctors and the family members of patients should pay more attention to the water intake of patients on the list of dialysis.


Foods That Can Help You Control Your Blood Sugar Level

High blood glucose doesn’t mean you have diabetes, but when you have diabetes, you must have high blood glucose. If your fasting blood-glucose is 6.1mmol/l in a long term, you would be diagnosed as diabetes. Normal fasting blood glucose is 3.9-6.1mmol/l. So we should pay attention to ourselves and family members health.
For people with high blood glucose, it is important to control our blood glucose through diet, so, i would introduce some kinds of foods that can help to control blood glucose effectively....
Apple can neutralize glucose in itself, there is no harm for high blood glucose for taking apple, while taking an apple after meal can control blood glucose preferably.

Why Does Peritoneal Dialysis Cause High Blood Sugar Level
Grapefruit seems to have much juice, sweet. While it contains a kind of para-insulin, which is necessary for diabetes patients. This kind of para-insulin not only can lower glucose content in itself, has the function of reducing blood glucose.
Black agaric
Black agaric contains agaric polysaccharide and kinds of mineral substances such as vitamin,protein, carotene and potassium, sodium,calcium and iron.

Can People with Polycystic Kidney Disease Eat Pumpkin
It can tonifying middle-Jiao and Qi. Pumpkin contains fructose that it can restrain glucose absorption, and combining with excessive cholesterol in our body, in addition, it also has the function of avoiding cholesterol going up and prevent arteriosclerosis. It contains many elements that is beneficial to our body, it can promote insulin secretion.
Onion not only is rich in stimulating insulin synthesis and secretion, it can help to treat diabetic nephropathy. Whats more, its prostaglandins A and Sulfur amino acids has the function of dilating the blood vessels, adjusting blood lipid and prevent arteriosclerosis. Therefore, it is suitable for diabetes with dyslipidemia.

Can Polycystic Kidney Disease Patients Consume Onion
Chinese yam
Chinese yam can improve high blood glucose effectively, Composition of bond-slip is formed by mucoprotein. Mucoprotein can wrap up other foods in intestinal tract, making it be absorbed gradually. This function can restrain dramatic elevation after meal and avoid over secretion of insulin, and make blood glucose get better control. Chinese yam contains effective element for insulin secretion. And vitaminB1, vitaminB2, these elements impost the metabolism of glucose in the blood. What’s more, chinese yam also contains amylase, it is a kind of amylase that can digestive glucose, and make no glucose deposit in the blood.

How to psychological care of polycystic kidney disease?

Once the body has been suffering from polycystic kidney disease, its impact harm to the body is very large, not only can cause kidney enlargement, and kidney area obvious pain, which will undoubtedly bring patients and severe burden psychological impact, especially in the psychological pressure to bear particularly large. So, suffering from polycystic kidney disease should be how psychological care of it?
1. Kidney disease nephritis refractory cases due to less effective treatment, the disease often repeated exacerbations, patients will inevitably have some negative emotions, and rehabilitation of kidney disease is very unfavorable. Therefore, it should be psychological adjustment of the scientific effort to overcome the negative emotions is harmful to health.Tendency of PKD Treatment in 2016: Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy
2. Kidney disease in the disease process, the same spirit is closely related to emotion. Good mental emotional is good for help regulate the flow of qi, it also can help regulate the flow of qi body, the normal function of various organs activities, normal water metabolism, excretion function normally lose cloth, thus it will be conducive to rehabilitation of patients with kidney disease; In contrast, poor mental or emotional, can make the air-lift disorders, blood running disorders, organs dysfunction caused by the occurrence of disease or worse.Treatment for PKD Aside from Renal Transplant or Peritoneal Dialysis
3. Many patients because of the polycystic kidney disease hard to be cured, or sicker, the treatment of loss of confidence, there will be the will of depressed, pessimistic mood, and even effect the problem of committing suicide. These patients were afflicted by the disease, coupled with depression, Concerned injured spleen, the spleen lost health movement, moisture is not the edema. It should always be given to comfort, inspire enlighten, to give spiritual encouragement, inspire courage, struggle with the disease, making it feel comfortable with the treatment.

How Much Dose It Cost to Treat PKD in China
4. It is common that the kidney disease or chronic renal failure has long course disease, therefore confidence in conquering the disease to overcome the disease has a pivotal role. With the progress of society, psychology has gradually taken seriously, a large number of clinical facts showed that not only drugs on kidney disease has a good effect, and more conducive to good psychological care and physical rehabilitation treatment of diseases, which should cause every doctor and family members of patients attention.


Kidney Function and Cyst Enlargement

Many patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease will experience the decrease of kidney function due to the cyst enlargement. Well then, whether the cyst enlargement will cause decreased kidney function. Let's discuss it detailedly.Is There any Treatment for PKD and Polycystic Liver
We should know that the older patients are, the bigger the cysts are. With the cysts growing, the kidneys may damage the kidneys due to the distention of the pedicle of the kidneys and traction of the surrounding tissues. Gradually, the kidneys may be damaged and the kidney function will decrease.
If the kidneys are with countless big cysts, the normal kidney tissues will be replaced by the cysts. If so, the kidney function will greatly decrease.What Are the Symptoms of ADPKD
That is to say, unlimited cyst enlargement will cause decreased kidney function gradually. If the cysts will not grow big enough to damage kidneys, patients' kidney function is more likely not to decrease. In other words, whether the kidney function will decrease mainly depends on the size of the cysts.
To avoid the decrease of the kidney function, patients had better make their cysts well treated in the early stage of the disease. To control the size of the cysts, we should make the endothelial cells of cyst wall inactivated. If the endothelial cells are inactivated, fluid that forms the cysts will not be excreted. By this way, the cysts will be well treated.Is Drinking Orange Juice Daily Bad for PKD
Besides, patients had better watch their diet and keep away from drinking and eating spicy food due to their stimulation to the growth of the cysts.
We can see that to avoid experiencing the decrease of kidney function, patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease should receive effective treatment to make the growth of the cysts well controlled earlier. If patients succeed in restraining the size of the cysts, they are more likely to avoid suffer from the decrease of kidney function.
Any question, feel free to consult us. Or email pkdclinic888@hotmail.com  We will try our best to help you.

When Can Polycystic Kidney Disease Be Discovered

Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) is a genetic disorder, which is hard to be discovered before patients reach their age of twenty for they are too small at beginning, except adopting genetic testing. Generally, as the growth of the cysts, severe symptoms and complications occur successively. At this time, most patients are told they suffering from PKD after according tests.Is There any Treatment for PKD and Polycystic Liver
The time when PKD is easily discovered
There is a common course of Polycystic Kidney Disease developing, although its pathogenesis has been not clear so far. The patients are born with PKD, but at their teens, there are fewer chances of growing. When patients reach their 30s and 40s, the cysts in their kidneys may grow quickly, maybe because their unhealthy lifestyle and unreasonable dietary regimen promote the growth of cysts. At this moment, PKD can be discovered, if patients pay more attention to their health, for the quick growth might cause some discomforts such as slight high blood pressure. After the age of 40s, patients usually have cysts more than 3cm. The big cysts will squeeze other renal tissues and make organism secret inflammatory factors, opening renal fibrosis. As the normal renal functions are damaged, many severe symptoms will occur in the patients, such as lower back pain, proteinuria, hematuria etc. Thus, PKD is usually discovered at this period.What Are the Symptoms of ADPKD
What we can do after having the ideal of PKD
When your doctor informs you of suffering from PKD, you should begin to think over medicines to ease symptoms, dialysis, kidney transplant and other treatments. The three traditional treatments include western medicines, dialysis and Kidney Transplant, which all have their own advantages and disadvantages. For instance, western medicines can ease severe symptoms quickly but with side effects. Dialysis is able to take over the functions of kidneys but is helpless to stop kidneys deteriorating. Most patients endow all their hope to kidney transplant, but kidney transplant is not suitable to all people with PKD, such as the patient also has heart failure, while most patients with PKD will suffer from heart cerebrovascular disease. There is risk for patients with severe PKD to receive kidney transplant.Is Drinking Orange Juice Daily Bad for PKD
It is important to keep optimistic mood to face daily life and seek for other effective treatments. If you do not give up your hope, God will never abandon you. If you want more information about those treatments, please contact us by email: pkdclinic888@hotmail.com .

Diuretics in Treating Swellings

Diuretic is a common medicine for swellings among patients with Kidney Diseases, such as Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD). However, sometimes, some people may find it little effect in easing swellings or edema. That is because diuretic is not used in the corresponding swellings. There are three main kinds of swellings which need to be treated by different diuretics. Is There any Treatment for PKD and Polycystic Liver
Cardiac edema
This kind of swelling is usually seen among patients with congestive heart failure, in which blood volume decrease relatively. Accordingly, less urine is produced and more sodium as well as water deposit in body, causing swellings. Cardiac edema usually occurs the lower parts of body such as ankles and legs, but it can be systemic and even hydrothorax and ascites. In clinic, some medicines are used to enhance the contraction of myocardium and improve blood circulation, bringing sodium out. At the same time, diuretics are adopted to drain out more water, easing swellings or edema, such as Hyzaar, Triamterene and Furosemide.What Are the Symptoms of ADPKD
Hepatic edema
Patients with Cirrhosis are hard to produce protein which plays an important role in keeping normal plasma osmotic pressure. Less protein decreases plasma osmotic pressure but pressure increases in Portal vein, which keep more fluid in tissues and cause edema or swellings. What’s worse, liver fails in inactivating aldosterone which can promote kidneys to reabsorb sodium and water. Those two reasons are responsible for swellings. Spironolactone, Ethacrynic acid and Furosemide are usually adopted in easing this kind of swellings, but they may cause high blood potassium as well as electrolyte disturbance and even coma. Thus the patients would better not lose weight more than 2kg in using diuretics every week.Is Drinking Orange Juice Daily Bad for PKD
Renal swellings
Renal swellings result from the damaged kidneys failing in holding protein and filtrating out excess water and sodium. Without diuretics, swellings in Acute Nephritis can disappear in a short time, if patients have lower sodium intake and have good rest. As for Chronic Nephritis, Triamterene is used with Hyzaar, which not only enhance diuretic effects but also reduce the side effect of electrolyte disturbance. When no diuretics can ease severe swellings, the injection of albumin will elevate plasma oncotic pressure and increase blood volume, improving swellings.


Symptoms of Ruptured Kidney Cysts

Some patients with kidney cysts always pay no attention to their cysts because there are not any symptoms caused by cysts. However, kidney cysts especially those large cysts really have the chances of rupture, if it happens, a series of symptoms can appear.
So what are the symptoms if kidney cysts are ruptured? Lets’ look at together.
A 1.9 x 2.1 cm Cyst on My Kidney: Should I Be Worried
Generally speaking, if renal cysts are ruptured, that often leads to pain, secondary infection or uncontrollable bleeding, inflammations or even Acute Renal Failure, etc.
Blood in the urine, or called as Hematuria, is the most common symptoms of ruptured kidney cysts. If the case of hematuria is light or mild, blood may be undetectable to the eye and it can only be detected by microsope. On the other hand, if the case is severe, the bleeding caused by cysts can be visible during urine excretion. And often, complex cysts, for example, Polycystic Kidney Disease(PKD) are more likely to cause bleeding when kidney cysts’ ruptured.
 Pain and Frequent Urination With Kidney Cyst: Cause and Treatment
Pain can be felt whether the renal cysts rupture or not. One of the reasons for the pain is the result of oppression to the kidney tissues caused by continuous enlargement of kidney cysts, and moreover, different locations of cysts also result different degrees of the feeling of pain.
If some cysts are ruptured, they often cause the pain in the parts of back, side abdomen, ribs and hips, etc. And the pain could be either dull pains or intense pain.
Another possible reason for pain related with renal cysts is infection. The liquid in the cysts will spread to other parts of the body if the cysts are ruptured.
 A Cystic Growth with Size of 5 Centimeters on Kidney: What Is This
Another important symptom of ruptured kidney cysts is hemorrhage(bleeding), as well as sepsis. According to experts, sepsis is the body’s reaction to infection. The inflammation that occurs with sepsis can reduce or prevent the blood flows to other vital organs, which may lead to the damage of other organs or even Renal Failure.
I guess that you may get some knowledge about the symptoms of ruptured kidney cysts now. In general, the bursting or rupture of these cysts often leads to serious consequences. So patients with renal cysts should be much careful and take treatment at an early time. Maybe our hospital can help you!

Symptoms of Bilateral Polycystic Kidney Disease

Bilateral Polycystic Kidney Disease is a kind of congenital kidney disease with the characteristic of bilateral kidneys involvement. The danger of Polycystic Kidney Disease is severe which include the diseases’ progression into Renal Failure. So understanding the symptoms of Bilateral Polycystic Kidney Disease is helpful for early prevention of the disease.
Generally the symptoms of Polycystic Kidney Disease appear and aggravate as time goes by. Next let me introduce them for you.A 1.9 x 2.1 cm Cyst on My Kidney: Should I Be Worried
When these cysts are very small(usually less than 3cm), at this time the patients often have no obvious discomforts or symptoms. Most patients are usually not found out these cysts on their kidneys if they have not to go for inspections due to occasional reasons. At this stage, urine routine may demonstrate little or no protein, slight or no occult blood.
At this stage, normative diet, appropriate sports and prevent fatigue are always suggested so as to control the growth speed of cysts and reduce their harms to kidneys.Pain and Frequent Urination With Kidney Cyst: Cause and Treatment
If these bilateral polycystic cysts continue to grow and reach to the sizes between 3-5cm, at this moment, patients could feel occasional discomfort in the waist or back. And, clinical urine inspections can show urine egg white+, ++, and moreover, occult blood increases.
At this stage, the situation cannot be solved just by diet, sports and taking care, etc. we need to take necessary treatment now in order to control the development speed of cysts and avoid a series of complications.A Cystic Growth with Size of 5 Centimeters on Kidney: What Is This
If we miss this chance, renal function will be endangered and moreover, treating large cysts usually much more difficult than treating those small ones.
In case these kidney cysts have grown exceeding 5cm, the patients would have obvious symptoms such as lumbago, and most patients have the phenomenon such as excessive urination at night, urgent urination, and frequency of urination, etc. Besides, some patients may even can touch the mass or lump in the body’s renal area.
Now I think you may get some knowledge about some symptoms of bilateral polycystic kidney disease. As a matter of fact, bilateral polycystic kidney disease is very serious, and if this disease is not well controlled, severe complications may appear. Hope we can help you if there is a need from you.

Symptoms of Ruptured Kidney Cysts

Some patients with kidney cysts always pay no attention to their cysts because there are not any symptoms caused by cysts. However, kidney cysts especially those large cysts really have the chances of rupture, if it happens, a series of symptoms can appear.
So what are the symptoms if kidney cysts are ruptured? Lets’ look at together.
Generally speaking, if renal cysts are ruptured, that often leads to pain, secondary infection or uncontrollable bleeding, inflammations or even Acute Renal Failure, etc.A 1.9 x 2.1 cm Cyst on My Kidney: Should I Be Worried
Blood in the urine, or called as Hematuria, is the most common symptoms of ruptured kidney cysts. If the case of hematuria is light or mild, blood may be undetectable to the eye and it can only be detected by microsope. On the other hand, if the case is severe, the bleeding caused by cysts can be visible during urine excretion. And often, complex cysts, for example, Polycystic Kidney Disease(PKD) are more likely to cause bleeding when kidney cysts’ ruptured.
Pain can be felt whether the renal cysts rupture or not. One of the reasons for the pain is the result of oppression to the kidney tissues caused by continuous enlargement of kidney cysts, and moreover, different locations of cysts also result different degrees of the feeling of pain.Pain and Frequent Urination With Kidney Cyst: Cause and Treatment
If some cysts are ruptured, they often cause the pain in the parts of back, side abdomen, ribs and hips, etc. And the pain could be either dull pains or intense pain.
Another possible reason for pain related with renal cysts is infection. The liquid in the cysts will spread to other parts of the body if the cysts are ruptured.
Another important symptom of ruptured kidney cysts is hemorrhage(bleeding), as well as sepsis.A Cystic Growth with Size of 5 Centimeters on Kidney: What Is This According to experts, sepsis is the body’s reaction to infection. The inflammation that occurs with sepsis can reduce or prevent the blood flows to other vital organs, which may lead to the damage of other organs or even Renal Failure.
I guess that you may get some knowledge about the symptoms of ruptured kidney cysts now. In general, the bursting or rupture of these cysts often leads to serious consequences. So patients with renal cysts should be much careful and take treatment at an early time. Maybe our hospital can help you!


Kidney Disease Hospital and Chinese Medicines

Kidney disease is a word that most people don't want to mention in daily life, and many regard it as a kind of disease that once you get, you are sentenced to death, and too much money will be lost therewith. However, there are too many people suffering from kidney disease at present all over the world. As we all know, kidney disease is always chronic disease which has a very long course and cannot be treated once for all. Therefore, the point that most people wonder about is the treatment for kidney disease. What goes next is the choice for hospitals that are specialized in treating kidney disease.
 Can PKD Patients Take Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy at Home
  If you get kidney disease, the first thing you will do is to see your doctor and ask for his advice. Then, you will take some tests to see what exactly your disease is. Sometimes a renal biopsy is also needed. As a result of these examination and diagnosis, you may receive some treatment. The treatment is mainly including two ways, say, hormone medication and surgery. Also, you may know that kidney disease cannot be cured easily so it will deteriorate constantly, so with time passing by, dialysis and kidney transplant are the only two choices for you to survive. Yes, these are all the western medicine can do for you.
  You may ask: since there is no other choice, am I just sitting here and waiting for the dialysis and even death?
  The answer is NO if you hear about the traditional Chinese medicine. And if you are now seeking for another effective treatment that can effectively help you to avoid dialysis, or you are searching for an specialized hospital in treating your kidney disease, Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital will be a considerable choice.
Best High Creatinine Level Treatment in PKD: Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy
  Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital adopts Traditional Chinese Medicines in treating kidney disease. Compared with western medicines, Chinese medicines can obviously avoid side effects and any other damages caused by western ones. Believe it or not, Chinese medicines is a magic culture and has already been proven to be effective by clinical cases through thousands of years in China, and almost all the Chinese people believe it. Although many people don't know how exactly the medicines take effect, when they are ill, they will firstly think of the Chinese medicines and want to see a Chinese medicine doctor very much in order to treat the disease while avoiding all the side effects of western pills.
 Natural Treatment for Kidney Cysts Named Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy
  Herbs have their medical functions, and there are meridians in human body. Therefore the effective components in Chinese herbal medicines really have their way to direct at the disease focus. You can not see the meridians or QI in human body clearly by your naked eyes, but after taking the medicine, you will find all the miraculous feelings by yourself. What's more, if you have tried the acupuncture, Chinese massage, or Chinese herbal medicated bath, you can know better about the Chinese culture on medicines and love it deeply.

Is Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy a Surgery

  Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is more and more adopted to treat various kidney diseases with its strong ability to treat stubborn diseases. The majority of patients, no matter what disease they are suffering from would not like to go under the knife. Well then, is Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy a surgery? Absolutely, it is not.
  What is Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy?
  We can figure out this term by three aspects: Chinese Medicine, Micro and Osmotherapy.
 Is Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy Available In Portland
  Here, Chinese Medicine means herbal medicine, which has a more than 3000 years' of history in China. Herbal medicines are mainly composed of natural plants, such as cordyceps, ganoderma, Tou gu cao, chuan qiong and wei ling xian.
  Due to the fact that these natural plants are processed, they have no side effects on people. Especially, this kind of medicine will not influence children's growth.
  "Micro" refers to one condition where herbal medicines are processed into powder medicines. And then these medicines are sealed in a small gauze bag.
 Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy for Treating Polycystic Kidney Disease
  "Osmotherapy" refers to such a therapy that is external application. Patients are told to lie on two bags of medicines to receive treatment with the help of penetrant and osmosis device.
  How Does it Work on Patients?
  After micro-Chinese medicines are prepared for patients, they are permeated into kidney lesion through skin and meridians and collaterals. And then effective medicines will perform the function to regulate internal environment of body through dilating blood vessels, anti-inflammation and degrading extracellular matrix.
 Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy Can Shrink Renal Cyst 4.5 cm
  We can see, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is not a surgery. It is just an external application. Hence,there is no pain or scar on patients' body. Due to the fact that theses medicines have no side effects, they are increasingly applied on children with Nephrotic Syndrome.

Instruction of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

Required Components for Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy:
  Osmoscope, Osmotic medicine, penetrants, two electrode plates, one vessel, one power and one heating furnace.
  Operation of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy
  1. Soak the osmostic medicine with penetrant in a vessel. If it is the patients’ first time to take this treatment, they need one of bag of osmostic medicine soaked with one bag of penetrant. In the following time, the dose of medicines should be in line with doctors’ advice.
  2. Heat the soaked medicine bag evenly and thoroughly with heating furnace or microwave oven at home for 2-4 minutes.
  3. Electrotherapy
  〈1〉Put a sanitary mattress about 50*70cm on bed in case the overflowing medicines contaminate the bed.
  〈2〉Lift up the middle of the sanitary cloth and fold it in the shape of “n”, the height of which exceeds that of the medicine bags.
 Can Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy Benefit PKD Patients with Dialysis
  〈3〉Put the two electrode plates on the sanitary mettress and keep the plates’ upper edge 5 cm away from the edge of the sanitary mattress. The wire edges of the two electrode plates are slightly far than the opposite ends of the two plates, showing the shape of trapezoid.
  〈4〉Put the well-heated medicine bags on the two electrode plates respectively, isolating with sanitary cloth in the middle.
  〈5〉Press and flat the two medicine bags with your hands.
  〈6〉Patients lie down with their renal area, almost the small of their back, right on the two bags. That is to say, make the two kidneys locate in the center of the medicines bags and lower edges of the two kidneys 10cm up the two frontal carinas.
  〈7〉After patients lay down, doctors will switch on the power and choose electrotherapy mode. Normally, doctors will turn the amperage knob gradually from left to right to change current until they feel comfortable and get used to certain amperage. The amperage can be increased according to their tolerance.
  〈8〉Time in electrotherapy. Each period for the osmoscope is expected to be 45 minutes. According to their feelings, patients can take two periods each time about 45 to 90 minutes. Taking a good rest during treatment, patients can listen to relaxing music.
 PKD Patients:Taking Dialysis or Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy at Christmas
  〈9〉Finishing the treatment, patients can get up and dress themselves to avoid cold after cutting off the power and wiping out the medication fluid at the renal area gently with a warm wet cloth.
  The above is the osmostic electrotherapy process of Micro-Chinese Medicine osmotherapy, which should be taken twice a day. Experts keep in touch with you if you have some discomforts or other problems.
  Notes for Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy:
  1. The medicine bags must be put right under the renal area of patiens, or the expected effect can not be available.
  2. Press and flat the medicine bags to make skin touch the bags closely without crevice.
 Tendency of PKD Treatment in 2016: Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy
  3. The medicine bags should be with suitable humility. Too dry bags will elevate the resistant while too wet bags cause short circuit easily. Medicines fail in penetrating into the body.
  4. Temperature is suitable as long as patients feel comfortable. Too high temperature will cause burn, while therapeutic effect would not be available if temperature is too low.
  5. Choice of Amperage
  〈1〉Low current should be applied to children or patients with diseases like diabetic nephropathy, PKD, severe hematuria and proteinuria.
  〈2〉As for other nephrotic patients at different stages, amperage should be suitable when they feel comfortable.
  6. Micro-Chinese Medicine is an externally applied safe therapy, which has not been found with side effects in clinical practices of many years so far. During the treatment, please contact your doctors in time, if you have discomforts.


Knowledge about Parapelvic Renal Cyst and its Treatment

Parapelvic Renal Cysts refers to simple renal cysts that can be found in renal pelvis or renal sinus. More information such as the treatment about parapelvic cysts are provided in the following.
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  Renal pelvis is the enlarged upper end of the ureter, through which urine flows out of the kidneys to the urinary bladder. Renal sinus is the space within kidneys whether the renal pelvis is founded.
  Generally parapelvic renal cysts seldom cause any heart or discomfort However, as renal pelvis locates near ureter, so cysts at there may frequently cause urinary tract systems' diseases, such as frequent urination, urination pain, and so on.
  Along with growth of parapelvic renal cysts, they will oppress the surrounding kidney tissues, and therefore kidney functions may be affected.
  Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) treatment Stages
  Besides the above mentioned, there are also other symptoms. Infections may happen when a parapelvic cyst bursts, for this problem, antibiotics often could be used so as to treat infection.
  Blood in urine can also be caused by a parapelvic cyst. If a parapelvic cysts rupture and become infected, either of case could have the result of blood in the urine.
  Hydronephrosis is a urinary tract obstruction and this obstruction is often caused when kidneys are unable to drain urine smoothly into the bladder through ureter. Parapelvic renal cysts could cause this obstruction.
  Flank pain may occur when the parapelvic kidney cysts grow so large that they begin to oppress against the renal pelvis or other parts inside renal sinus. This kind of pain is often in the form of dull pain.
  Can Antibiotics treatment Kidney Cyst
  As for the treatment for parapelvic kidney cysts, it often depends on the patients' specific conditions. If patients are under a urgent condition, symptomatic treatment such as surgery or medications that can alleviate those serious symptoms and complications in a short time are needed.
  On the other hand, if patients are not in a serious condition, they may consider other treatments except surgery for example, some natural or herbal remedy could be used, although they may need more time to show up their functions in dealing with parapelvic kidney cysts as well as in restoring kidney functions, they are really a fundamental solution. Here I strongly recommend Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmosis used in our hospital. Consult us for more what you need.

Do You Know the Symptoms of Kidney Cyst

Kidney Cyst, as its name implies, refers that there are a single one or several cysts on kidneys. In normal cases there are not any symptoms for Kidney Cysts, so patients are not even realize the existence of cysts in their kidneys. Along with the growth of cysts, kidney cysts may have the following clinical manifestation.
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  We will introduce something about renal cysts before we give the knowledge about the symptoms of renal cysts.
  How Can I alleviated effectively Kidney Cyst Without an Operation   In normal cases, kidney cysts remains undetected until some of obvious symptoms happen in the patients. On the other hand, a majority of people will suffer from kidney cysts in their kidneys over the age of 50. And moreover, people who were suffered from urinary tract infections in the past are inclined to suffer kidney cysts.
  Generally speaking, the main symptoms of kidney cysts include these aspects such as urinary tract infection, Hematuresis or blood in urine, headaches, hypertension or high blood pressure, discomfort or pain in lower back and abdominal parts and so on.
  One thing that I want to note is about renal stones. Calcium containing kidney cysts can lead to kidney stones especially when the level of calcium and uric acid in the body increases. When there are kidney stones, person may experiences such as severe lower abdominal pain and lower back pain as well as difficulties in urination. and moreover, these kidney cysts are easily ruptured, which may lead to these symptoms such as hematuria, pain in waist and hips, sepsis, and hemorrhage, etc.
  Natural treatment for Polycystic Kidney Disease
  These ruptured kidney cysts can often lead to the obstruction of blood flow in some parts of kidneys. It is essential to treat these kidney cysts so as to prevent their rupture those complications mentioned above.
  As for the treatment of kidney cysts, under the undesirable background of Western surgery in the treatment toward kidney cysts, traditional Chinese medicine, especially Micro-Chinese Medicine has given its full distinctive ways in treating kidney cysts. Micro-Chinese Medicine has the obvious characteristics of easy handling, complete treatment, none of side-effects, not easy to relapse and so on.
  Above mentioned are some of the main symptoms of kidney cysts. Are you interested in some of them? Please tell us your concerns so we can give a better help.

 Top Seven Habits in Women Can Lead to Kidney Failure

  In recent years, women use various methods to protect their kidneys. Actually, many kinds of poor habits including living habits and eating habits are damaging Women's kidneys constantly, which Women have not noticed it. Therefore, in order to protect your kidneys, women should start from changing the top seven poor living habits.
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  1. Women do not like drinking water
  Metabolic wastes are mainly discharged out of body through liver as well as kidneys. Water and electrolyte balance is the most important function of kidneys. When discharging wastes out of body through urine, kidneys need enough water to support this function.
  2. Drinking beer
  If women drink much beer, especially for those who have been diagnosed with kidney disease, it will lead to deposition of trioxypurine, which will cause blockage of kidney tubules, thus leading to Kidney Failure.
  Effective Treatment of Kidney Failure
  3. Improper way to eat fruits and vegetables
  People usually think that people should eat more fruits and vegetables, which is good for people's health. However, as for people with Chronic Kidney Failure, if they eat more vegetables and fruits that contain high potassium, it will cause damage to kidneys. Therefore, people with Kidney Failure should control the containing of intake of vegetables and fruits. They should not drink overrich fruit juice and vegetable soup.
  4. Drinking beverage replaces drinking water
  Most women do not like drinking water because water us tasteless comparing with carbonated beverage such as soda water, coca cola and coffee and so on. There is caffeine containing in beverage which can lead to Hypertension. Hypertension is one of the important factors that can cause Kidney Failure.
  5. Eating too much meat
  There is much protein containing in meat. People should intake protein for 0.8g / kg weight. 300g meat contains 40g protein. People should not eat too much meat so as to avoid the damage to kidneys. 
  Can Stage 5 Kidney Failure Be alleviated effectively by Dialysis
  6. Too much intake of salt
  Salt can be seen as a murder to kidneys. 95% salt is discharged out of human body so that overdosed salt can increase the burden of kidneys. In addition, Sodium in salt can lead to retention of water and then aggravate the burden of kidneys, which can even lead to Kidney Failure.
  7. Abusing medicines
  It is not rare to see that there are many people catch acute Kidney Failure because of the abuse of medicines such as fish gall as well as snake gall which usually be promoted that they have the function of tonifying Yang, clearing heat and detoxicating or treat whelk . Some of the medicines contain renal toxity, which not only damage kidneys but also will damage the whole body.
  We can see that there are seven factors that can lead to Kidney Failure and they all belong to poor living habit. If women can pay much attention to their living habit, they can avoid catching Kidney Failure.

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