
Are patients with Chronic Kidney Disease allowed to have potato

As one of the most faddish foods around the world, potato is named as “King of plants” by some countries in Europe, America, and Latin America. Potato can be taken as staple food as well as subsidiary food. For some people, potato even can take the place of rice. Even so, no all the people are allowed to taking potato, especially for Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease, taking of potato should depend on their illness condition.
Potato is chiefly made of starch which is rich in potassium. Potassium in our body is mainly excreted with urine through kidneys. Retention of masses of potassium in our body can give rise to hyperkalemia. Hyperkalemia can cause death. For our healthy people, our kidneys can help us remove the excessive potassium, so it is not easy for us to have hyperkalemia(Chronic Kidney Disease and Hyperkalemia). However, for patients who have lost almost their renal function, there are no other ways for them to excrete potassium. Thereby, it is not suitable for them to ingest too much potassium. In other word, potato is not allowed to have for them. Then, which kind of patients with Chronic Kidney Disease can eat potato?Home Remedy for Stage 4 Chronic Kidney Disease Is Hawthorn Good For Stage 4 CKD Patients
Firstly, patients with normal urination can eat potato freely. Normal urination indicates that patients with Chronic Kidney Disease own nearly all their renal function. At least, their function can help them to excrete waste products and as long as kidneys have filtration ability, then excessive potassium can be removed for their body. Therefore, patients with normal urination are allowed to eat potato.Is It OK To Eat Potatoes And Chocolate With Stage 5 Renal Failure Is Potato Chip Beneficial for Dialysis Patient
As for patients with oliguria and hyperkalemia as well as these who are undergoing hemodialysis, potato should not be available for them. Owing to the damaged renal feature, their kidneys cannot play their function. As a result, ingesting too much potassium will burden their kidneys and aggravate their disease.
However, for patients with hypokalemia, or these who are undergoing peritoneal dialysis, potato should be recommended. Dialysate does not contain potassium and patients will lose some potassium after every peritoneal dialysis, so patients with peritoneal dialysis are very likely to have hypokalemia. Potato is abundant in potassium, so for these people, they can supplement potassium by taking some potato.

All in all, whether potato is available for patients with Chronic Kidney Disease is on the basis of their illness condition.

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